Wednesday, December 19, 2012


As you know Christmas is coming up in six days! This is a busy time of year with traveling, shopping for gifts, and going to parties. With everything going on we tend to forget about the true meaning of Christmas.

We all know that "Jesus is the reason for the Season." But do we really think about it? Is that what our main concern is? If it is, then great! If it isn't, then you might need to work on that.

Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birthday. Of course, the Bible doesn't give the exact date of His birth, but Christmas is the day we celebrate it. Mary, a virgin, was chosen by God to give birth to Jesus. She was betrothed (promised to marry) to Joseph. When they arrived to Bethlehem to register for the census Mary gave birth. His name was Jesus Christ.

The birth of Jesus so important because that day the Savior was born. It was the beginning of salvation. Without Jesus there wouldn't be a final sacrifice that saves us from our sin. Without Jesus our eternal home wouldn't be Heaven. Without Jesus there wouldn't be any hope!

Nativity Scene
Merry Christmas!
God Bless!

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