Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Revelation Overview

Here is an overview of Revelation, chapter by chapter. Enjoy!

  1. Vision of Christ
  2. Messages to
  3.  the churches
  4. Worship in heaven
  5. Scroll opened
  6. Six seals opened
  7. 144,000 multitude
  8. 7th seal, 4 trumpets
  9. 5th & 6th trumpets
  10. Angel, Small scroll
  11. Witnesses, 7th trumpet
  12. Woman and dragon
  13. Beasts-Sea, Earth
  14. 144,000, Harvest
  15. Vials, God's wrath
  16. Vials, Plagues
  17. Judgment of war
  18. Fall of Babylon
  19. Marriage Supper
  20. 1,000 years, Book of Life
  21. New heaven & earth
  22. Jesus' coming
 For, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Romans 10:13

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