Tuesday, October 15, 2013

End Times Locations

A fellow blogger runs a page about the Tribulation. Here is her latest article:

"Several areas that are familiar to us will play prominent roles in the End Times. The Bible gives examples and explains what roles they will play.

Baghdad, Iraq: This will be the site of New Babylon, which is believed to be the place where antichrist will rule from. Babylon was originally destroyed in the ancient Bible Times and the rebuilding of the city will fulfill prophecy.

Israel: This one seems like a no brainer. Israel and the Jews will play huge parts in the end times. Nit only will the Glorious Appearing take place hear, many other things like the rebuilding of the temple, the desecration of the temple and the signing of a peace treaty will all take place in or with this country.

Two countries that are not mentioned in the end times are China and the United States. This is not to say we won't be involved,but these countries don't play specific parts."
To visit her blog, follow the following link: The Tribulation

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