Saturday, March 30, 2013

Jesus' Suffering

In honor of Easter weekend, I would like to share an overview of an article I read on what Jesus went through during His crucifixion.

Jesus had been whipped dozens of times on his bare back. In case you don’t know, that hurts! He was given a crown with thorns. His scalp was cut, and blood would be dripping from his head. He was also stabbed.

Then he was put on the cross. The wood was laid on the ground and Jesus would have laid on it. Then the nails would have gone through his wrists and ankles. Have you ever hit your funny bone? Those same nerves would have slowly been cut through. Just imagine the pain Jesus was going through!

Then he was pushed up. As he was being pushed upright both shoulders were dislocated, because the weight was too much for his arms. Have you ever felt middle-east weather? It’s not comfortable, it’s hot! So Jesus was probably sweaty, along with bloody. That’s pretty uncomfortable! Being stretched out the way he was made it really hard to breath. He had to lift himself up, stretching the needle in his ankles, in order to get a full breath.

BUT, that wasn’t even the worst! The physical pain couldn’t have measured up to the emotional pain he had, when God rejected Him. The comfort we have, is no matter what happens, God will always be with us. Jesus didn’t have that comfort. God had to reject him, because he carried all the sins of the world. That must’ve been the worst feeling anyone has ever had!
Jesus suffered tremendously for us, and we should never forget that.
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:30

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