Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Underground

Ever wonder what an issue of 'The Underground' was like? Well, I have an issue here concerning today's world (not the tribulation). Stay tuned! There are more to come!



For years evolution has been taught in schools around the country, but many concepts of evolution have been questioned. Many people are curious to know: IS evolution for real? There have been many theories, and possibility’s, but there is one, solid answer that has been proven correct.

The answer, is evolution for real?...

NO. Plain and simple, no. There are many facts of evolution that are absolutely impossible. Evolution is a myth. You want to know the truth? The truth is creation. Creation is a fact, not an opinion. Let me explain creation, and you might see why it seems more practical, over evolution.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1. The fact is, God made this world, the people, the animals, everything. It makes more since that we were planned creation, and not ‘formed’ by chance. I find it more assuring that there is an explanation for every little detail of our existence on this earth, instead of a shady explanation. I have made a chart of ‘Creation vs. Evolution.’ Hopefully you will see that creation is far truer than evolution.

CREATION                                                                    EVOLUTION

God created us in his own image                               We were ‘formed’ through apes

God spoke and the world was made                     A cell exploded and the world just
                                                                                    happened to be made

God gives people pigment in their skin                                       ?
that makes them appear a certain color              

The world was created 4,000-8,000 years ago          The world evolved billions of years ago

The worlds formation was planned                        The worlds formation just happened

The world is given everything it needs                      The world is low on resources

Man sins because his father, dating                        No one knows why man sins
back to Adam sinned

As you can see, creation has all the answers (and they’re reasonable), evolution does not. I only covered seven out of thousands of questions about creation and evolution. There are so many unanswered questions about evolution, creation has all the answers.

Many people say, “Creation is just a religion. It’s crazy.” If you think creation is crazy because it is a religion, then you must realize that evolution is a religion too. Evolution is a belief, which makes it a religion. Schools say, “Religion isn’t aloud,” but they are teaching a religion. Many say that people who believe in creation only believe it on faith, which isn’t enough. Were you there when the world ‘evolved?’ I didn’t think so. You weren’t there; nobody was, so people who believe in evolution also believe it on, faith. Many people who believe in creation also know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. People who believe this are not “religious nuts.” They have a personal relationship with God. I ask that you consider creationists point of view, and consider it as your own.

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