Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Antichrist

     The Antichrist is described in Revelation 13:1 as “The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.” The ten horns represent the ten kingdoms of the restored Roman Empire. He will eventually subdue three of them.

     The Antichrist will rule over the world. He will say he wants peace, but because of the judgments, he will not get peace. Many people will follow and praise him. Christians will know that Antichrist is trying to deceive them, and it will not work. Those who are become saved during the tribulation will not fall into Antichrists lies.

Characteristics of the Antichrist:

1. He will be good looking

2. He will be of European decent

3. He will speak boastfully

4. He will have power to persuade

5. He will be successful

6. He can perform false miracles

7. He will kill Christians

8. He will be the highest of authority

9. He will promote sin

10. He will say he is God (which is not true)

     These are just a few of the characteristics of the Antichrist. Many people will say “This person is the Antichrist,” or “This person has fulfilled all the prophecies.” But don’t believe that. Only God knows who the Antichrist is, and he does not want us to try and guess this, because when we say someone is the Antichrist, we are insulting them. According to God something as small as an insult is considered murder, and murder is against the Ten Commandments.

     Tomorrow I will discuss what happens when the Antichrist is killed. See you then!

1 comment:

Kaitlin said...

I'm 12 and a huge fan of LBK. I have a question, where in the bible does it state that the AntiChrist will be of European descent? I have heard that a lot of places (including LBK) I just wonder if there is anywhere in the bible where it actually states they he will of European ascent.