Friday, February 22, 2013

Left Behind Blog Post

Here is another post from the Left Behind blog a friend of mine runs. She gives a statement from the author of both Left Behind and Left Behind: The Kids about where the idea came from and a short summery of the what the books are about.

'Jerry Jenkins and Tim Lahaye, the well known authors for the Left Behind series have also written an end times fiction for teens. Left Behind the Kids revolves around a new group of believers, The Young Tribulation Force. At the core of this group are its four original members: Judd, Vicki, Lionel, and Ryan. The adults make occasional appearances in riveting series, containing forty books.

When asked about the kids series, Jenkins once said, "The idea for a kids' series based on Left Behind really came from the publisher, and at first blush it seemed to make sense. I'd written a lot of kids' fiction in the past. The idea was to not just dumb down the product so it would be easier to read, but to actually start with new main characters and have them be in the age group of the readers. So we start with 4 kids from 12 to 16. And over the period of 7 years of the Tribulation, they age by that much, of course, so it's an interesting dynamic to watch these kids grow up. They become believers early in the story, and then they have their own adventures and exciting times fighting the Antichrist while trying to keep from being exposed as believers." '

To visit her blog, Left Behind, click here.

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