Sunday, August 5, 2012

Prophecy: Day 3

There are many prophecies that have been, are being, or a waiting to be fulfilled. Today we will share one of those prophecies, and when it happened, or IF it has happened yet.

All who Beleive in Jesus will be Saved - John 3:16
Did you know John 3:16 was a prophecy? It's one of the most well know Bible verses that we memorize at a young age. I was suprised to find that John 3:16 was a prophecy. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever beleives in him shall not perish, but have eternal life." "Whoever beleives," that shows that anyone who beleives in Jesus, will be saved before the rapture. Right now, people may beleive in him, but not understand it. When Jesus comes, everyone who beleives will understand it.
Well, this concludes the three day prophocy segment. Let me know what you thought by posting a comment or sending me an email at
Here are the other two days, Prophecy: Day 1 and Prochecy: Day 2

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